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Our Mission

Hives - Bees- Honey

Our Mission is to model beekeeping practices that are simple and successful for every bee lover. We aim to increase sustainable hives in both rural and urban areas, increasing bee populations worldwide. 


Using our secluded meadows and the protection of our Slovenian Bee houses to breed bees, we will continually increase our numbers. 

We will offer custom-made houses, complete with bees for backyard use. 

These uniquely protective houses will provide beginner beekeepers with the framework to confidently care for their bees. 


We will continue to implement creative solutions for the advancement of Bee kind. Stay Tuned..


Swarm of Bees
About Us: About

Meet The Team

Working Together for a Better Environment




About Us: Team
Beekeeper Holding a Honeycomb

Jim the Beekeeper

As I listen to the rain today tapping on my tin

 I‚ am reminded of the simple things 

 with a gentle nudge from Jim

 I‚ am going to call God Jim here because he is to me

 A loving guide who mostly says yes 

 and cares for honey bees                        


I am watching some ducks out my window now

 and listening to the birds

 In the gentle breeze, I hear Him 

 remind me of what I had heard

 One day I heard the buzzing of a perfect tiny bee.

 And I followed her to a flower that is now considered a weed.

 I did not understand this, and it made my heart so sad

 That no matter how diligently she worked, There was no nectar to be had...                                                                                                                          

Then at that moment,  though I am not sure how

  I heard a clear small voice 

 You get to do something about this NOW

 You get to, it‚ is your choice

 To many days have passed since then

 Still, I feel the tugging on my heart

 I am going to save the bees someday.                         

 If only I knew where to start, I have seen into the future

 It looks brighter than I had assumed

 All the towns smell so nice

 They are covered in blooms.

 See what we are just not getting

 Is a willingness to conceive 

 That we have the power to change the whole planet 

 With what we plant from a seed

 What if it is simple?

 How Jim designed this whole earth

 And we could go back in a moment 

 And give this place a rebirth

 We would decide to do things differently

 So we would not poison the bugs

 We would question the things that don't make sense 

 And we would not feel like thugs 


I want to know who is with me

 Who's ready to concede 

 That a perfect lawn is just NOT WORTH

 Spilling toxins onto the earth  


So let's start there and keep thinking

 Asking questions as we grow


 And what is just FOR SHOW?

 I know in my heart it is easy                                      

 and would mean a lot to Jim

 If we said NO to the poisons

 Before they spill over the brim                                


About Us: Our Story
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